What’s new

Documentary film projects currently in development:


The story of a young Ukrainian soldier, Taras, killed while trying to save his wounded comrade, Roman, in the cold winter of the Avdiivka eastern front line. Through Taras’s story, we retrace the ten years of conflict: from Maïdan to the war in the Donbass, through the daily lives of young Ukrainian civilians committed to their country to the full-scale Russian invasion in 2022.


Dwarfs and Giants is a journey through communities in Europe that are building a different kind of Internet, one that is decentralised, open and respectful of individuals. From Berlin to Catalonia, via Florence and Athens, we meet the creators of “digital commons” who are developing online services and alternative modes of governance to the tech giants: community Internet networks, free software publishers, decentralised social media, open source data and knowledge players. Dwarfs working together to re-enchant the Internet. “For the people, by the people”.


An investigation into more than 10 years of “lawfare” against the co-founder of Wikileaks. The documentary explores how several democratic countries (USA, UK, Sweden, Ecuador, Iceland) compromised their judicial systems and democratic institutions to get rid of the Australian publisher. An in-depth look at the hunt for the man who revealed the secrets of the United States and the West.